What is a wormhole?

    Picture this: You're just a student in one of the largest high schools in the city. In order to get to some of your classes, you need to walk across the entire campus to get to one of the buildings. Today, it happens to be downpouring. The campus grounds are soaked, and there are  enormous muddy puddles everywhere. Surely there must be some easier way to get to class!
Thanks to recent scientific research, there might be!
    Scientists have formed the theory that "objects" called wormholes could possibly exist. A wormhole is (possibly) a celestial body in which something enters one end and comes out the other end somewhere else. (Here's an example- a high school student entering at the main high school building and coming out in the next.)

here to view an article from sciencemag.org about more theories on the wormhole.
Still confused? It's okay. This site will tell you everything you need to know about wormholes!
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